

336 E. Erwin Dr. Yoshino Cherry (Prunus × yedoensis) The Yoshino cherry (Prunus × yedoensis), also known as the Japanese flowering cherry, is the darling of the flowering tree world and the star of such renowned events as the National and International Cherry Blossom Festivals. This stand-out tree is, of course, known for its vibrant…

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295 Avon Rd. Tulip Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) Liriodendron tulipifera, known as the tulip poplar, tulip tree, American tulip tree, tulipwood, tuliptree, whitewood, fiddletree, and yellow-poplar — is the North American representative of two-species genus Liriodendron (the other member being Liriodendron chinense), and the tallest eastern hardwood. It is native to eastern North America from Southern…

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4724 Johnson Ave. Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) Magnolia grandiflora, commonly known as the southern magnolia, is a tree of the family Magnoliaeseae, native to the southeastern United States, from southeastern North Carolina to central Florida, and west to East Texas. Reaching 90 feet in height, it is a large, striking evergreen tree, with large dark…

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196 Avon Rd. Saucer Magnolia (Magnolia x soulangeana) Magnolia x soulangeana, the saucer magnolia, is a hybrid cousin of America’s magnificent Southern magnolia, and is actually a large spreading shrub that takes its name from its wide, saucer-like flowers. It was first cultivated in 1826 in France, quickly entered cultivation in England and other parts…

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4711 Johnson Ave. Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica) Lagerstroemia indica, commonly known as crape myrtle, is a species in the genus Lagerstroemia in the family Lythraceae, which is native to the Indian Subcontinent (hence the name indica), and also to Southeast Asia, China, Korea and Japan. It is an often multi-stemmed, deciduous tree with a wide…

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