overhead tree canopy


Welcome to the Avon Woods Arboretum, a public arboretum recognizing specimen trees in the Avon Woods Neighborhood of East Memphis, Tennessee. Voluntarily led by resident Judith (Judy) Rutschman and aided by neighbors, we have identified all of the trees in all of the front yards in our Avon Woods. In fall of 2018 with the…

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Southern Red Oak

4789 Princeton Rd. Southern Red Oak (Quercus falcata) Southern red oak trees (of the beech family, Fagaceae) are tall and have straight trunks which develop branches that spread out and give the tree a rounded look at the top. These trees grow to 70 and 80 feet. The leaves of southern red oaks are 5…

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Spring Tree Planting

Springtime is a good time to plant trees! Thinking of planting a tree in your yard this spring? Now is the time to do it! Ladd Roberts of Mid-South Tree Farm says trees in our area should be planted no later than mid-April to get ahead of Memphis’ dreaded summer heat, which can be especially…

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Tree canopy with fall colors


Friday, March 5, 2021 – Celebrate the City of Memphis Arbor Day and the 90th anniversary of Memphis City Beautiful at this day filled with activities at the Memphis Botanic Garden.

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Show your love for trees
this Valentine’s Day

Valentines are no longer just for people! (The Lorax would wholeheartedly agree.) This Valentine’s Day, the Avon Woods Arboretum invites you to show your love for trees by sharing a “Happy Valentine” to your favorite tree or to the Avon Woods canopy of trees. Take a photo of: A tree, A group of trees, or…

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